Age Element Facial

Who is the treatment suitable for?

The treatment is suitable for anyone who is experiencing visible signs of ageing. Providing a firmer, brighter and visibly younger skin.

How does the treatment work?

We ensure we cover all five essential phases of an anti-aging treatment diagnosis, preparation, stimulation, activation and boosting. We start by using innovative diagnostic technology that analyses the variables involved in the skin aging process, considering the needs of each individual, your life habits and the conditions you would like to improve, so we can create a totally personalised anti-aging treatment. The skin is prepared and impurities removed ready to receive active ingredients. A resurfacing solution helps to stimulate and enhance cell renewal. A combination of Hydrabalance cream and your trailered treatment boosters are applied to help activate the skin. We then boost the skin further with a specifically selected mask for your skin concerns. Finally we end the treatment with that all important sun protection to prevent the skin from harmful UV rays.

Why should I have this treatment?

Environmental conditions, experiences and lifestyle are the main activators of epigenetic mechanisms, whilst also promoting and accelerating the main visible signs of ageing. The latest scientific advances are designed to act on these epigenetic changes and resynchronize the natural processes of the skin protection and repair. This is the first anti ageing complex with proven epigenetic action. It combats ageing from its origin, acts by modulating epigenetic mechanisms to help recover the regenerating and proliferating activity of the skin. It corrects visible signs of ageing, both providing a firmer, brighter and visibly younger skin.

Treatment Information

How many treatments will I need?

For optimum results a course of treatments is required totalling 5 sessions, thatโ€™s one session a week over five weeks.

What should I expect to see following the treatment?

There is no downtime following this treatment so you can resume your normal activities. Your skin will look and feel brighter and tighter especially as session go on.


We can advise you based on your individual needs which Age Element Facial products would be best for you to use at home to further enhance treatment results and allow continuity. 

At Lucy Foster Clinic we have a comprehensive approach to skinโ€ฆ C-ing is believing!  We CARE about how you feel about your skin, our thorough CONSULTATION process and skin analysis helps us to determine what treatments would be best for you. Following your treatment  we encourage you to COMMUNICATE with us so we can work with you to help achieve CONTINUITY in the results you see and feel post treatment. We can put together a tailor made treatment plan including guidance for at home skincare, sun protection, in house non-invasive treatment options as well as medical grade aesthetic treatments to maximise your results. We can also help support you on your skin journey from the inside out with our range of nutraceuticals and collagen rich supplements. 

Course of 5


Single Treatment (60 mins)
